Sunday 25 January 2015

Good enough for Getty

Well, according to the judges, my originality, craftsmanship, and 'wow' weren't enough to get me placed in the top three for the hat competition. But, I was definitely the people's choice with photos of me appearing on the Guardian, Daily Mail and Sunday Times web sites, and I've been immortalised in a Getty image (available for commercial use forever!).

What a great event though. Yes the water was only 3.5 degrees, but the sunshine made it almost pleasant, and we had plenty of opportunities to promote Rosemead. (I kept popping in the Rosemead name whenever I was interviewed.) There was even a girl from Oakfield cheering us on (she was amazed that Rosemead had entered a team - maybe we should do this again?).

No prizes or medals for us. Just satisfaction and glory for braving the cold, and pride for wearing Rosemead swim hats for the relay event. (No, I didn't wear the dalek for the relay!)

So well done to Orlaith, Debbie and Lynne for competing and completing. It's the coldest water I've ever swum in, and I'm sure it was the coldest water they've ever swum in!

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