Sunday, 1 February 2015

Taking the plunge

Well I've taken the plunge. I've paid for annual membership of Brockwell Lido. I did the maths and worked out that, with the amount of swimming I'm doing in the Lido at the moment, I'll have paid my for membership in 4 months!

So, I'm the proud owner of a Brockwell Lido membership card. And I've used the card three times since paying for membership. It's less pressuring knowing that I can swim any number of times during the day and not have to pay each time (assuming I get to the stage where I want to swim more than once a day), and I don't have to worry about sticking to the off-peak times (my membership lets me swim at any time).

Yesterday was the first time I've swum in the snow. Okay, so it wasn't exactly a blanket of snow on the ground, but it was kind of surreal walking across to the water with snowflakes on my arms. I can't wait to swim with really thick snow. I'll take my camera when it happens. And that could be soon. The Met Office warning for Greater London is Yellow (early warning of snow). I can't wait.

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