Wednesday 11 February 2015


We're going through mounds of Channel Swim Association paperwork at the moment. It all needs to be submitted by the end of March, which isn't that far away.

We all need medicals and certificates of fitness from our GPs. I keep reminding myself that more people have climbed Mount Everest than have swum the Channel.

Today, I had my medical. Sadly, it didn't go quite as I'd hoped, and my GP has kept my medical form and certificate and refused to sign them for the moment. High blood pressure. He's prescribed me some tablets, and lined me up for an ECG and some blood tests. He'll see me again in a couple of weeks. But, if my blood pressure doesn't come down to what he regards as a safe level, it will be no swim for me.

So, a little disappointing. On a positive note, it's good to find these things out and deal with them before they cause a problem. And everything else about me is okay.

I hope Steve and Andy (our reserves) have been training hard ...

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