Well, I've finished building the dalek. It's difficult to gauge the size from the photo, but believe me, it's big! I tried it on my head this afternoon, and I definitely won't be winning any prizes for the fastest breaststroke. I'm just hoping I don't strain my neck trying to keep it upright.
I'm sure it will impress the spectators. It'll create some interesting photo opportunities and maybe generate a bit of PR for Rosemead and our Channel swim.
If you've been scraping ice off your car for the last couple of mornings, you'll know it's pretty cold outside at the moment. And today the water in the Lido was 3.9 degrees. Tooting Bec Lido will be even colder because it's a larger expanse of water and it's surrounded by trees. So wish us luck for the Saturday 'races'. I'll post some photos. And I'll see if I can get a photo of the dalek floating across the water.
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