Thursday 13 August 2015

The plan

My original plan was to get the swim out of the way at the start of the Summer holidays,  and then enjoy the Summer holidays. That hasn't happened of course, and I'm now struggling to fit in training swims with camping trips, house swaps, and all manner of childcare activities.

I have managed to get into the sea off the Llyn Peninsula a couple of times. The water was lovely and warm, which meant jellyfish. I didn't spot many, but the ones I did see were big and ugly, and just the thought of them made swimming uncomfortable.

I'll be back in Dulwich next week, so I'll be back in the Lido first thing. Mind you, we have a puppy arriving on the 12th August, so my training might be exchanged for puppy training. Life would be so much easier if I'd swum the Channel back in July!

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