Thursday 6 August 2015

All change

I always knew it would be a problem finding another swim window that suited all of us. And, sadly, Fiona's had to drop out. Our new swim window's right at the start of term, and it's not a good time for Fiona to be away from school, so she's made the difficult decision to drop out. She's been so encouraging and inspirational to date, and we'll really miss her.

That means one of our reserves (and he probably never imagined it would happen), Andy Dorrett, is now in our team. Suddenly it's all real for Andy, and he'll probably be in the pool first thing tomorrow, trying to squeeze in some extra training.

Let's hope we get good weather for our next swim window, September 12th to the 17th. Goodness knows whether or not we'd be able to schedule another one!

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