Sunday 2 November 2014

Very Cross-Training

Torn hamstring
I started running again yesterday. Usually I run a lot, but I've been recovering from a torn hamstring. I tore my hamstring at the Rosemead 'fun' day, playing tag-type games with the children. Being super-competitive, I was trying really hard to scare and catch the children. Then one child turned really quickly, and I went flying. I thought it was simply a very bad sprain until the back of my leg turned black and blue. I guess I'm not quite as flexible as I used to be. I was very cross because it wouldn't have happened if I'd warmed up and done some stretching.

So, 30 minutes running in the rain yesterday. My hamstrings are stiff, but I reckon I can go out again today. I'm aiming to run on the days I don't swim. I think I need a bit of cross-training to get me super-fit, and to keep me motivated.

I'll confess to this blog if I don't manage to swim or run every day.

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