Thursday 2 July 2015

T - 2 and counting

Only a scary 2  weeks until our team braves the English Channel.

My dad was obsessed with tides. Whenever we went to the seaside he would diligently consult the tides tables to make sure we were always swimming in the sea when the tide was coming in. Otherwise, according to my dad, we’d be swept away by the sea and lost forever.

So, in 2 weeks’ time, we’ll be breaking my dad’s rule by starting our swim when the tide is going out. Of course, we are hoping that we’ll be swept away by the sea because that will make our swimming easier. We’re also hoping that we’ll get past the halfway point as the tide goes in so that we’ll be swept onto the French coast.

You see, there’s logic to this crazy challenge. Sadly, high tide on our first swim day is 12 o’clock (midnight or midday). So we’ll either be starting in complete darkness or finishing in complete darkness. Wonderful.

I crept into the lido at 6.30 this morning to try out my new Speedos. Given that we’re in the middle of a heatwave, the pool was not empty. There were no shrieks, snorts or guffaws, but I think I’ll be first to swim if we’re starting in the dark.

There are only 2 weeks to go, so please encourage and help us in our efforts to raise funds to kick-start a sports scholarship programme at Rosemead by …

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