Saturday 18 July 2015

T + 1: go, go, go!

It’s go, go, go! We’re on for a 2.00am start Sunday morning, so we’ll be driving through the night to meet our pilot and his boat at 1.30am.

The weather’s still not brilliant, but there are no guarantees it will be any better for Monday morning.

Our first swims will be tough. We’re expecting 15mph headwinds (gusting at 20mph), with 3ft waves every 6 seconds. On a positive note, the water temperature is 16.3 degrees, and the wind should have died down by the time we get to our second swims. (We’re expecting to do three swims, possibly four!)

Life on the boat will be unpleasant for the first 6 hours. It will probably be better in the water than on the boat. We’ll be taking Lynne up on her offer of ginger tea (the natural remedy for sea sickness apparently), and I’ve bought another pack of sea-sickness tablets.

So please, please encourage and help us in our efforts to raise funds to kick-start a sports scholarship programme at Rosemead by …

Sponsoring us via justgiving: please sponsor us

You can track our progress across the Channel with this link (scroll down to the Google map):Viking Princess

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