Thursday 18 June 2015

T - 4 and counting

This is what's being washed up onto our shores!
Only 4 weeks until our team braves the English Channel.

On Monday I was in the chemist checking out sea-sickness tablets. I threw up 3 times during my qualifying swim on Saturday, and I reckon I’ll need some medication if the sea on Channel swim day is as rough and rolling as it was on Saturday. It was probably the 20mph cross-winds that did it. Well done to Debbie, Fiona, Lynne, and Orlaith who completed their qualifying swims too.

According to the Telegraph today, this is the ‘Year of the jelly’. Swarms of large, barrel jellyfish have been seen along our Southern shoreline and experts are warning us that thousands more are on the way. Brilliant. Deathly cold water, puke-inducing rolling waves, and now zillions of massive jellyfish. Will the dangers never end?

Well, at least we won’t have to wee on each other if we get stung. The latest NHS guidelines suggest that shaving foam is the thing to use, so I’ll be back to the chemist next week for their very best. Sea sickness tables and shaving foam for a man who obviously doesn’t shave. Goodness knows what they think of me in Brockwell pharmacy.

A 20kg jellyfish was spotted off the Cornwall coast recently. Jellyfish stings are inevitable, so please encourage and help us in our efforts to raise funds to kick-start a sports scholarship programme at Rosemead by …

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