Saturday, 13 June 2015


Absolutely horrible. For me, this weekend's swim in Dover harbour was absolutely horrible - the worst swim I have ever done. Conditions were appalling. We saw the crash of waves breaking against the harbour walls as we drove into Dover, so we knew it was going to be choppy.

Orlaith and I were trying to get our 2-hour swim certificates. We cannot swim the Channel without them. But, after an hour and half in the water, I was well and truly sea-sick, and on the verge of giving up. Throwing up three times helped, but I really wasn't enjoying it. It was only the thought of having to come back and try again that kept me going. I spent the last half an hour groaning through my breath as I desperately tried to stop going up and down and up and down.

Orlaith was fine. Okay, she was cold, but I think she's probably a secret white-knuckle roller-coaster rider because she was completely unaffected by the massively undulating sea. We did do it though, and I literally staggered out of the sea onto the pebbly beach. I'm writing this seven hours later, and my stomach is still fragile and I my head still aches. Going to Carter's Steam Fair in Belair Park this afternoon with my thrill-seeking daughter hasn't helped.
Swim Certificates Obtained - yeah!

Good luck to Debbie, Fiona and Lynne who are trying to get their certificates tomorrow. At least it's forecast to be calmer (although not warmer!).

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