Wednesday 22 April 2015

Challenge complete

Clive after 70+ lengths

Orlaith after 70+ lengths
Well done to Alex and Orlaith for completing their Swimathon challenges. Alex swam 2.5km (achieving a personal best time) and Orlaith swam 5km in an amazing 1 hour and 44 minutes. And I ... was a lot, lot slower. I'm not a fast swimmer, but I can swim for ages. So, with the logistics of fitting in both a solo challenge and a team relay challenge, I swam 2.3km by myself, then 1.25km for my leg in the relay, and then another 2.7km by myself to complete my 5km challenge. So, all in all, a total of 6.25km in the Lido, in 14.9 degrees water, and without a wetsuit.

The temperature in the Lido was about the temperature we're expecting the Channel to be in July, so I was pleased at how long I lasted in the water (although I couldn't feel my toes afterwards).

Our next big team challenge is on Saturday 9 May, when we hit the sea (albeit Dover harbour) for our first Channel-like experience. Not all of us are looking forward to it ...

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