Friday, 13 March 2015

Red Pose Day

Red Nose Day! Or, in my case, Red Pose Day.

Two swims this morning. 18 lengths at 6.30am in 9 degrees water, and another 2 lengths at 8.00am with some nutty people wearing red noses and deely boppers. How was I to draw some attention when everyone was wearing red noses in the lido? Wear a red skin suit of course.

I had hoped it would be a bit like swimming in a wet suit. But no, it soaked up the water, weighed me down, and made breathing almost impossible. It did create some interesting photo opportunities along the way though, and it raised the visibility of us mad Channel swimmers.

Orlaith was there too. Braving the cold water, and swimming a very elegant breaststroke with piggy red nose.

It was lots of fun, and reminded me that cold water swimmers are a fun bunch of people.

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