Wednesday 15 October 2014

The Viking Princess

The Viking Princess
This is it. This is the Viking Princess. This is the boat that will escort us across the Channel next year.

It looks like a fishing trawler because that's exactly what it is - it's a fishing trawler! It will be our home for 36 hours. It does have all the latest high-tech navigation equipment. But, more importantly, it has a cabin below deck that's capable of sleeping 10 people, it has a kettle and a microwave, and a flushing toilet.

The boat belongs to Reg Brickell. Reg is our pilot. In 2010, Reg and his crew and his boat were awarded a place in the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame. The International Marathon Hall of Fame quotes "Their knowledge of Channel elements of weather, water and likely conditions has earned them a place in English Channel history as the most successful team to 'Lead the Way' in helping Channel crossers succeed. They are usually 'right-on' for picking the day and time to start a swim."

Reg and his crew have a reputation for escorting winners. Some of the winners include the fastest man, the fastest lady 2-ways, the fastest butterfly, the fastest backstroke, and the fastest ladies relay 3-ways(!).

Whilst we might not be the fastest anything, I think we'll be in good hands.

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