Thursday 21 May 2015

T-8 and counting

8 weeks until our team braves the English Channel.

Swimming the Channel is a big, scary challenge. In fact, more people have climbed Everest than have swum the Channel. In a recent YouGov survey, only 53% thought scaling Everest would be harder than swimming the Channel, and 62% would rather do Everest than the Channel!

So, who are the mad people in the team?
Lynne Barry (staff)
Clive Broadbent (parent)
Fiona King (staff)
Debbie Louks-Middleton (staff)
Orlaith Richardson (parent)
Alex Woods (parent)

There’s only a 10% success rate for completing a Channel swim. The Channel Swimming Association regulations are strict, and I get worried every time I think about them. No wetsuits. Swimsuits and swimming shorts must not go below the crotch. No changes to the relay swim order once the attempt has started. Relay swimmers must take less than 5 minutes to swap. And there are lots more regulations. Break any of them and the Channel swim attempt is null and void.

I’m worried, and I think the rest of the team are too. So, if you see us around, please encourage us. Please remind us that we’re doing the Everest of swimming, and please help us in our efforts to raise funds to kick-start a sports scholarship programme at Rosemead by …

Coming along to our fundraising quiz night on Friday 5 June 
Simply sponsoring us via justgiving 

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