Monday 8 December 2014


I don't want to bore you with endless accounts of how cold the water is ... but, it was cold this morning.

Last week the water temperature dropped to 8.9 degrees. That was bit of a shock. It was though, nothing like the shock I received this morning. The temperature of the water was 6.8 degrees. Yes, 6.8 degrees! The changing room was full (okay, think December-full, not July-full), full of shivering, bright orange men.

The wall between the men's and ladies' changing rooms is paper thin. I don't know if the ladies know that, but we men can hear everything they're saying. (So, be warned if you intend to use the ladies changing room!) Giggles and gossip seeped through the wall from the ladies, whilst we men stood quietly and stoically, shivering.

I wonder if the ladies can hear us? Maybe I should start up a blokey conversation tomorrow and give the ladies something to think about. Mind you, if it's as cold tomorrow, I think I'll just be quietly shivering.

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